Full Moon in Scorpio “Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area”

““The place of true healing is a fierce place. It’s a giant place. it’s a place of monstrous beauty and endless dark and glimmering light.”

Cheryl Strayed

This Full Moon in the 5th degree of Scorpio, is pictured by Dane Rudhyar as A MASSIVE ROCKY SHORE RESISTING THE POUNDING OF THE SEA, and through this image, we get the idea of how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, necessary factors in the social life of man — until new horizons beckon; the Keyword is STABILITY.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, but a water sign nonetheless, and water that does not flow eventually becomes stagnant and ultimately poisonous. When new horizons beckon, it is important to know when to change direction, change your clothes, or change your friends and the recent Jupiter Uranus conjunction will have been nourishing the yearning for change in many of our lives. In my own experience, change is easy to dream about but much more challenging to effect, and the recent energetic upset of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in earthy, solid Taurus is a good example of how drama can burst onto the scene as mounting tension becomes too much. The news lately has been full of additional fiery themed stories, from the long-awaited final verdict of unlawful killing of the 48 teenagers who died in the Stardust Fire on Valentines Day over 40 years ago in Dublin, to the blazing inferno of the Dragon Spire at the old Copenhagen stock exchange (five years almost to the day after the great Notre Damm fire) and the awful self-immolation of a man demonstrating outside the Trump trial in Manhattan. Mars, the ruler of this Full Moon has been sextiling the degree of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, so adding his say to the matter, as if we needed any more words from the God of War on top of the unspeakable events that are continuing, apparently unchallenged by the main players on the world stage, within the state of Israel.

Hopefully, the Sun’s exit from Aries into Taurus will calm the flames a little, and he will get down to the job of agriculture which is what Taurus does best in my opinion. The big event in my life recently was that the sun came out; as many of you know, I live in Ireland, which is not known for its hot weather. It really did feel rather extraordinary after so many months in virtual darkness to be confronted with (a whole day!) of beautiful sunshine. Better late than never I guess, so I have been making the most of it while I can, mainly to catch up on my very neglected garden, which I am rushing to get up to speed before I head off for sunnier climes.

After the intensity of the spring, planetary activity will feel a little less forceful in the coming months, with Pluto turning retrograde in a weeks’ time. Dipping back into Capricorn for a while, expect issues to resurface for their final examination before he moves into Aquarius properly in November. Over the summer, expect a revisitation to the Global Pandemic Treaty being promoted by the WHO, the possibility of a fragile banking sector, especially in regards to commercial property investments, with events in August being flagged for this. With the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus and Pluto’s final ingress into Aquarius later in the year, the bringing in of government run central digital currencies has been widely mooted, perhaps as a “rescue” for “failing banks” later in the year.

The recent attention on Iran, seems thankfully to have come to little, with the Iranians down playing the activity over its skies at the recent planetary conjunction that keep going on about! I must admit, I was holding my breath a little, because on a global scale, the conjunction highlighted Tehran very strongly, and I would like to pay Iran a visit at the earliest opportunity… such a rich culture and steeped in history…a country that the west can barely see through the fog of propaganda. The charts of Iran and it’s leaders however, are not spotlighted by the current astrology to the degree that the charts of Israel and the US are. Together with their leaders, these countries are particularly emphasized, underlining the fact that they have big themes playing out which will no doubt fill the news columns for the rest of the year.

Mars, the ruler of this Full Moon, is in watery Pisces, applying closely to a conjunction with Neptune. Themes involving water, flooding, drownings, shipping, pirates and bridge collapses have been prominent in the news as Mars has traversed first Aquarius and then Pisces. The Moon, however, is unhappy in Scorpio, the sign of her fall, and it is under this Full Moon that cracks are likely to show. As she separates from Pluto, any recent upsets may reemerge more forcefully, and the desire for revenge cannot be ruled out. The next aspect the Moon makes will be a trine to Saturn, so the austerity will continue; this is unlikely to be a soft and fluffy period, although Venus movement into Taurus by the end of the month will bring a kinder glance.

The tarot images for this month’s lunation are drawn from the Thoth Tarot. The Full Moon, falling in first decan of Scorpio, highlights the issue of hunger, for what we do not know, alluding to the condition we might have referred to in past times, as Spring Fever, a listless, restless feeling. The Sun falling in the first decan of Taurus speaks of the fears and worries of the new mother, fearing for the life of her new child…. will it live, will it survive, and the prayers offered up to heaven for every new seed sown. Combining these two energies, I see the desire for change, the awareness of the need for change, but also an impatience brewing…. really, honestly, do I have to start AGAIN…. can I even be bothered………

……..if we were on a boat, I would be shouting “Ready About, Lee Ho” and you would be ducking to avoid being knocked out by the boom as I turned the boat into the wind to change tack…..

Which brings me to the title of this piece…”unexpected item in the bagging area”……When I hear these words, I know something has to change… the universe is telling me I need to walk out, to abandon whatever it was I thought I needed to do, (or buy) and look for something else, or even to just go home, sit in a chair in the sun, have a cup of tea, and monitor the activity in the garden. If I don’t respond with a swift exit, some helpful person will soon arrive and assist me in completing a task that wasn’t really for me, as well as confronting me with my own ineptitude for scanning meaningless lines of code into a machine. Speed is of the essence, if we were on a boat, I would be shouting “Ready About, Lee Ho” and you would be ducking to avoid being knocked out by the boom as I turned the boat into the wind to change tack…… I will be back on the road soon, heading to Turkey, my second, or is it third, home… and I might just take the rest of this, my 60th summer, off. I feel I need to kick back a little and to wait for something new to emerge in the space thus created.

Wishing you all a blessed Full Moon in Scorpio, wherever you are; hold tight, adjust the jib sheet and watch out for the boom!

If you enjoy tarot and the magical stories they inspire, we still have some copies of the Thoth Journey Tarot available for purchase, click on the link below, and if you are interested in booking a reading, find out more HERE.

2 thoughts on “Full Moon in Scorpio “Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area”

  1. I’m a lazy astrologer, with interest in time and space, as well as the layers created by events as they develop over time. The full moon at 4 degrees Scorpio has significance for me, since I have the Moon and Venus at 4 degrees, but in Gemini and Virgo. Otherwise, I’m all fixed, with a grand square, including the north node conjunct my nadir at 21 degrees Aquarius. I travel in my mind and wish you well in your summer explorations. If you are turning 60, I guess you are shedding some baggage yourself, with your second Saturn return ongoing now. I did that ten years ago. I’ll be 72 in August. The Thoth tarot is my favorite vehicle for blending astrology and Egyptian symbology.


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